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Evento Científico

With a lighted up and connected mind: the new frontiers of learning in the digital age

Prof. Daniela Lucangeli

The pervasive use of technology among young people ranges across various domains including new educational models, recreational activities, ways of communicating and tools for learning information and content.
Italian kids spend on average more than 2.5 hours a day on the Internet, a number that rises to over 4 among teenagers; this diffusion requires a critical approach towards the influence on cognitive and identity development. Recent research highlights how it is not possible to give a single judgment on the impact of new technologies on the minds of young people.
They undoubtedly also revolutionize the way of teaching, with some evident benefits including the facilitation of measures for students with special educational needs, without however absolutely guaranteeing better learning.
This talk therefore explores the impact of digital technology on the lives of young people, with particular attention to Developmental Neuroscience which investigates the effects of new digital devices on the development of the mind. The objective is to integrate Neurodevelopment Models in the context of today's young people, in order to prevent phenomena such as addiction, compulsive use and isolation and highlight any positive potential.

Día 3


20 Octubre

09.00 - 10.30 Plenario

  • Time: 9.00 - 9.45
  • Language: Italian 
  • Translation: English - German - French
  • Venue: Main hall - Palazzetto

Prof. Daniela LUCANGELI

Daniela Lucangeli is Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Padua and an expert in the Psychology of Learning. She is the author of numerous research contributions and interventions in the field of learning. She is a member of national and international scientific associations, including the International Academy for Research in Learning Didabilities (IARLD). She is also the National President of CNIS (Association for the National Coordination of Specialized Teachers). She is also the President of Mind4Children spin-off of the University of Padua: a fluid community of scientists, researchers, specialists, teachers, educators… at the Service of Human Potential.



Books by Prof. Lucangeli.  More about her works and committments.