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Scientific Veranstaltung

Breath training

Workshop (W56)

Participants will explore some breathing and relaxation techniques both dry (in the classroom or poolside) and in water immersion (shallow water where you touch - you don't need to know how to swim). The part in the water will take place in the two side lanes of the 25m pool. and will have a maximum depth of 1.30 meters. Participants will be able to try some breathing and body awareness techniques that will be useful for managing stress, modulating the state of activation, recognizing and managing emotions, improving attention focus. The exercises will be accompanied by Rosarita Gagliardi and her team who will guide those present in a specific path by trying some techniques and practical tools that the participants will be able to use later in daily life independently. Work that will be done will focus on relaxation, self-awareness and breathing. The Deep Inside state of mind methodology has already been validated by scientific protocols of neurophysiology applied to athletes and managers. (Deep Inside - state of Mind' methodology and 'Mind the Deep' research protocol in cooperation with Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore di Milano e Università Bocconi Milano) in which the benefits were seen on Stress management, emotional regulation, attentional focus, self-awareness. 

Please note: take with you your slippers, bathing cap, bathing suit and comfortable clothing.

The workshop will be linked to some contents of the parallel lecture held by Alessandro Vergendo (P16 - Saturday 21 October from 14.30 to 15.30)

Tag 4


21 Oktober

11.00 - 12.30 Parallele Vorträge / Workshops
  • Code: W56
  • Duration: 90 min
  • Language: English - Italian
  • Target: General
  • Participants: 20 + 4 more
  • Please note: take with you your slippers, bathing cap, bathing suit and comfortable clothing

    Rosarita GAGLIARDI

    She works alongside HR and teams in stress management and peak performance in organizational contexts. Thanks to specific "Deep Inside-State of Mind" breath training protocols and methods to support cognitive neuro-enhancement, she works alongside great sports champions and sports teams and with managers and company teams alongside human resources. She is an expert in human resources facilitation, she collaborates in physiology and neuro-physiology research protocols related to the topics of breath training and underwater apnea with various universities (Geneva- Brescia-Udine). She is instructor trainer of the Apnea Academy school and teacher trainer. She has organized important medical-scientific congresses.

    • MS Sports Marketing & Sponsorships
    • Prof. of Sports Communication in Sport Science (Catholic Univ. & Univ. of Udine)
    • Facilitator in Human Resources
    • Sport Expert Counselor
    • Expert Breath Trainer
    • Free Diver Instructor team Apnea Academy
    • Account manager at VEGA Consultancies