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Scientific Veranstaltung

Les sens de l'écoute

Workshop (W71)

Pour bien écouter il nous faut utiliser non seulement notre ouïe, mais l'ensemble de nos sens. En allant explorer ceux-ci physiquement et symboliquement, la formation ouvre la possibilité d'exercer une écoute plus globale, plus vivante et plus incarnée. L'atelier s’articule autour d'expériences pratiques et d'exercices pour chaque sens. 

Tag 4


21 Oktober

14.30 - 17.00 Workshops

  • Code: W71
  • Duration: 120 min (coffee break included)
  • Language: French
  • Target: General
  • Participants: Max. 15


Holder of a bachelor's degree in social work (socio-cultural animation option), I have been hired at La Main Tendue as a training manager since June 2021. As part of this activity, I train the future listeners of the Geneva station. I also give training in the institutions of the canton, training around listening and the posture of accompaniment. In parallel to this professional activity, I am an activist trainer within the CEMEA (training center for active education methods) which is an organization which essentially trains directors and monitors of summer camps. For me, it is by experimenting, by doing, that we learn. I therefore have at heart to offer training where experience is at the heart of the action, to experience a few things that are different, new.