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Scientific Veranstaltung

Conversations with direction

Workshop (W39)

Startlinjen’s extensive development from being a counseling service that mostly offered almost unlimited conversations with the purpose of care and debriefing to clearly framed conversations with direction. We had the best of intentions, but we missed real workability. What was wrong back then? And how and why do we today make use of resources and values when we insist on our callers capabilities for change towards a meaningful life. We’ll give a presentation including hands on examples and invite participants to dialogue and to share reflections.  

Tag 3


20 Oktober

11.00 - 12.30 Parallele Vorträge / Workshops
  • Code: W39
  • Duration: 90 min
  • Language: English
  • Target: General
  • Participants: Max. 30


Christine Schøtt (b. 1968), Consultant on Startlinjen, 2018 - MA / Psychotherapist, MPF C has the day-to-day contact from cradle to grave with Startlinjen’s volunteers: That is: Recruitment, teaching, rearguard, supervision, and in this way primarily responsible for the quality assurance of the volunteer counsellors’ execution of the values of Startlinjen, theoretically and methodically translated into 'Startlinjen's Conversation Model'. C. has a long-standing educational and experiential background for an even older interest in understanding the complex area: what is a potential accomplishment of an interpersonal conversation.

Jessy Regitze Mikkelsen (b. 1965) Startlinjen’s manager since 2009. She has a master´s degree in Communications and International development Studies from the University of Roskilde in 1993. Since then, she has almost exclusively been employed in NGOs working with development and implementation of projects with a social aim. Jessy is particularly interested in exploring ways and methods, that can help people, who are living in difficult circumstances, to find hope and courage, to discover their own resources and to use personal values as guidelines for a positive change of life.  

Louise Ahrenkiel (b. 1976) MA Communication from the University of Copenhagen in 2007/trained narrative supervisor 2014 Louise has always worked in the NGO world with volunteers and has been employed at Startlinjen since 2013 as an organizational consultant. Louise has a helicopter perspective and sets out to find out what works. She is passionate about evidence and is responsible for user evaluation and statistics.  

Institution: Startlinjen, Copenhagen, Denmark